viernes, 7 de junio de 2019

BLOG 3: "My Favorite Piece of Technology"

My favorite one is the Kindle.

What it is? It’s like a tablet but his principal use is for reading books and because it have an electronic ink it doesn't hurt the eyes, a thing that’s really important to me ‘cause my myopia. My Kindle was a birthday gift from my parents 4 years ago and since then I have used it reading a lot of books.

 So, for use it I download a book that I want to read but illegally-please don’t tell anyone- then I change the format of the archive and send the filed to my kindle, the kindle show you your library and recommend a book selection. You also can use the kindle for surfing the internet but it only count with an experimental browser.

I use it very often-not now because I have to study:(- and has been with me in all my travels. Even though I love books for their smell and texture I really like read in my kindle, I think that’s a great option for have an unlimited library and you can carry it anywhere cause it’s light.

I think that my life would be just the same but with a lot back pain for carrying books.
"Look! it's beautiful"

"this is my kindle❤❤❤❤"

5 comentarios:

BLOG 6: "Social Issue"

One of the more important social issue for me is political corruption because is the basement for another issue. If politicians did their jo...