viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

BLOG 2: "Why did I choose this programme/career?"

When I was little I dreamed being a professional dancer so I stared to dance in an academy where I danced for five years but I quit because my high school was demanding much time for the studies. After that I tried to look a new dream, I met an incredible teacher of chemistry, she was incredible teaching and –being a little extra- I fell in love with science.

So when I finished high school I thought that my dream career was chemistry but maybe I should study chemical civil engineering, you know, because “being an engineering it’s so much better than the others careers” or that’s what I thought when I was eighteen. Since I beginning the career I realize that I had made a mistake but I stayed anyways because I was really comfortable in that college… until I wasn’t. After two years I quit from that career and I took a gap year for prepared the PSU.

I was ready for take a great decision and I was no able to make a mistake.

I follow my dreams and I didn’t hear the comments of other people, the chemistry was and it's my favorite science and I want to live for it. And I applied! I feel so happy being here, in this career and in this college.

For the future I expect so many great things, I want to work in a laboratory and do research. And maybe work in a school and help someone who can choose his dream career.

5 comentarios:

  1. The same thing happened to me with my chemistry teacher!


  2. You must be an excellent dancer, in addition to a great future chemistry

  3. My teacher same was a important factor in my choice for this science.

  4. you did really great, it was difficult to change the career i thought. but it was the best decision of your life, enjoy your 30-40 years working in that you like it!

  5. you should be a professional dancer <3


BLOG 6: "Social Issue"

One of the more important social issue for me is political corruption because is the basement for another issue. If politicians did their jo...