lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

BLOG 3: "The Chemistry Against Cruelty"


Hi! As may you know I study chemistry and I´m in my fourth semester. Chemistry is the science that studies the composition of matter and the proprieties in its interaction, the resulting products, and the application of these properties in the life of man as such.

Of interest for chemists are the properties of the compounds, their reactivity and their use in fields such as biochemistry, pharmacology, the cosmetics industry, the food industry, materials chemistry, petrochemicals, engineering, among others.

One of the reasons why I study chemistry is for try to make a change in the cosmetics industry and avoid animal experimentation.

Animal experimentation as the name says consists of testing the products on the animals alive to see their reactions.

Animal tests are being replaced in areas such as toxicity tests, neuroscience and drug development: in exchange for torturing animals, it can be tested with human cells. In this sense, human cells have begun to be used to create innovatively devices called "organs in chips", these can be used in place of animals to study possible human reactions.

I believe that one day the change will be made, and I hope that I could help in that change.

1 comentario:

BLOG 6: "Social Issue"

One of the more important social issue for me is political corruption because is the basement for another issue. If politicians did their jo...