viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

BLOG 2: "The Best Concert I've Ever Been To"


Hi! I have always enjoyed the music and been a fan of a lot of artist and bands, my favorite band is Linkin Park.

Linkin Park is a rock band formed in 1996 in California. Their most famous songs are “In The End”, “Numb”, “New Divide”, “What I’ve Done” and “Crawling”.

I have been fan for fourteen years -I’m twenty-two now- and my dream was see them live. When I was eleven, they came to Chile, but my parents didn’t give my permission to go to the concert cause I was little. In 2016 they announced a new world tour and they visited Chile for the second time. This was my moment and I bought the tickets exactly in the moment that they released them.

The concert was the 21ts May of 2017 and it was all that I was dream. I went with my brother, who is a fan of the band too and we cry at the begging of the concert. We sang every song and enjoyed every minute.

I remember that when they sang my favorite song called “Waiting for the end” I cried cause I always dreamed to listened in live and in the concert before of Chile, they didn’t sang it so it was a surprised

In 2017, a month after the concert in Chile, Chester Bennington, the vocalist, committed suicide.

I hope you give it a chance to the band and listen a few songs, they´re really good.

Chester with the Chilean Flag

1 comentario:

BLOG 6: "Social Issue"

One of the more important social issue for me is political corruption because is the basement for another issue. If politicians did their jo...