martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

BLOG 5:"My Future Job"

 Hi! I was thinking about the future and I realize that my future depends of my future job. This is like a dream blog. 

As you may know, I’m studying chemistry, so I hope that my future job is relate to my career. I hope to work in a lab trying to avoid the animal test in the cosmetic industry. Now as a student I don’t buy products that make animal test and with this try to make a little change but help the industry to replace the animal tests with new technologies will be a dream came true.

I would love to travel for job, I think that you can learn so much from other people from another country with different laws and cultures. For example, New Zealand and Canada are countries where animal test is a crime.

 I don’t think that the salary is a problem, I try to make the things because I like it.

In the future, before I start the cruel life of a worker I hope to study a major in chemistry in another country, I think that study and live in a place totally different will make you grown and being more mature. Also is important to know a lot of information to be the best chemistry that you can be. 

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BLOG 6: "Social Issue"

One of the more important social issue for me is political corruption because is the basement for another issue. If politicians did their jo...