jueves, 4 de julio de 2019

BLOG 5: "A Photograph"

I really like the photos, I enjoy taking selfies with friends, family and my boyfriend and when I am on a trip I take A LOT of photos for the memory. I wanted to select a photo of the Andromeda Galaxy but because I haven’t idea who took the picture I prefer select a more personal one.

This is me, my grandma, and my aunt when I was about three years. I remember when my uncle took this photo-yep, I REMEMBER- it was a winter day and my aunt and grandma-I call her Mami- went to bought some stuff and when they return brought me a winter ice cream!

I love this photo because I had a lovely childhood and I don’t know why but this photo reminds me a lot of good memories.

Another thing that is funny it’s when I was little we had family meetings and we saw a lot of pictures. We exchanged photos for favors or another’s pictures and this photo, it was the BOOM! Everyone wanted to have it.

Me being a sweet litle girl attacked by my aunt.

2 comentarios:

  1. It would have been interesting to see a picture of the andromeda galaxy

    PS:Your face has not changed anything.


BLOG 6: "Social Issue"

One of the more important social issue for me is political corruption because is the basement for another issue. If politicians did their jo...