viernes, 12 de julio de 2019

BLOG 7: "A Career-Related Website"

Hello, today I’ll present you a great page call TED –Technology, Entertainment, Design- I met the website in first year of my before university cause the teacher wanted us to do a talk of a topic that we want.

Created in 1984, TED it´s a website that post a lot of talks of professionals in different topics and in more than 100 languages, their purpose is to provide ideas and information to the people without profit and in a simple way. With more than 600 topics you can find your favorite talk and fill you with wisdom!

I visit the website once per week and I see one or two talks. I love see talks about Science, Technology and Discovery. I think that is a great place for development the creativity and the way that their present the information it’s curious, mostly of the pages shows a lot of text and usually it’s exhausting to read but in this page you have to see videos, that it’s more simple and more interest.

I hope that you can see the page and give it a chance!

4 comentarios:

  1. I know this page, I love see a talk about procrastination. Is very funny , i recommend you.

  2. I didn't even know about that website, it sounds funny

  3. i would like to know more about this page

  4. this website is so cool! it is very funny.


BLOG 6: "Social Issue"

One of the more important social issue for me is political corruption because is the basement for another issue. If politicians did their jo...